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OCTOBER 15, 2023 10am - 5pm 



THIS GUIDANCE IS FOR PERFORMERS. Exhibitors, please click here for your instructions. Paraders, please click here for your instructions.


Points of Contact:

WAP ED: Dan Thompson ,, 301-949-3727

Entertainment Coordinator: Ingrid Gorman,, 301-351-2451

Plaza Stage Manager, Gayle Berens,, 202-907-9500

Grandview Stage Manager, Jon Cook,, 240-370-4736

Coffeehouse Stage Manager, Mary Naden,, (301) 509-0372


General Information


  • Event is  “RAIN OR SHINE.”  Please check the forecast and dress accordingly. Wear sunblock. If there is a threat of showers, please bring rain gear. In case of severe weather, the decision to cancel will be made around 6am on the morning of October 15 and will be posted on the WAP website, Facebook page, Instagram account and Twitter. 


  • DROP-OFF routes for paraders and exhibitors. See map on page 2. Exhibitors are assigned staggered arrival times. See exhibitors section below.


  • VEHICLE ACCESS to the FESTIVAL AREA is ONLY FROM VEIRS MILL RD and ONLY DURING ASSIGNED TIMES. Exhibitors and vendors will receive color-coded window passes with an assigned 20 minute time slot. NO VEHICLES WILL BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE FESTIVAL AREA AFTER 8:45AM AND ALL VEHICLES  MUST EXIT BEFORE 9AM.


  • PARKING: Closest Parking is 1) underground Garage 13 on Grandview Ave; and 2) WMATA garage on Veirs Mill Rd (enter next to Wendy’s.) There is NO ACCESS TO GARAGE 13 between 9am-11:30am (during the parade.) After 11:30 AM, Garage 13 can be accessed from the North (via Ennalls Ave or University Ave.) Exhibitors on Reedie Dr will have an easier load-out if they park in the WMATA garage.


  • LATE ARRIVALS: NO VEHICLE ACCESS TO FESTIVAL AREA. Park and walk your items to your assigned space. Late check-in is at the WAP Info Tent.


  • RESTROOMS: Portable toilets are located at both sides of the food corner and at the parade assembly area. Public restrooms in the county office building are accessible from Grandview Ave.




PERFORMANCE TIMES & STAGE ASSIGNMENTS: are attached to these instructions and will be posted on the website. Please be at your stage area at least 30 minutes before your scheduled performance time, unless you are in the first time slot and are marching in the parade. 


PERFORMERS’ PARKING: If you are performing on the Plaza or Grandview stages, it may be easiest to park in the WMATA Garage on Veirs Mill Rd. Coffee House performers should park in the underground county garage, Garage 13, on Grandview Ave. All performers can use the underground garage if they prefer but the garage will not be accessible by car during the parade (9:00am-11:30am).


DROP-OFF DIRECTIONS: Arrive at least 30 minutes before your performance time slot, unless you are first and are walking in the parade. In that case, please check in as soon as you are done with the parade. If you have too much to carry from your parking spot and need to drop off equipment before parking, you must notify us in advance of your planned arrival time. See below for specific instructions for load-in for each stage. Make sure that someone from your group is keeping watch over your equipment. WAP staff and volunteers can not be responsible for any equipment. Do not leave instruments unattended. 


THE STAGES: There are 3 performance areas (Plaza Stage, Grandview Stage, and the Coffeehouse) and they are jam-packed with performances. The Plaza and Grandview Stages are both 20x24 and have wood surfaces. The Cofffeehouse is 10x15 and the surface is the street. All stages are covered. 


TRANSITIONS BETWEEN PERFORMANCES: There is very little time between acts (5-10 minutes) and no real opportunity for sound checks. Thus, you need to have identified your sound needs in advance of the event so that the Stage Manager and sound tech can be ready to help you set up. There is a Stage Manager/emcee at each stage. When you arrive, check in with the Stage Manager and prepare for your performance. 


INTRODUCTION AND PRINTED PROGRAM: You already should have provided 1 to 3 sentences of introduction for the Emcee to read about you or your group and your act. Please make sure the name on the attached performance schedule is the one you want listed in the program and on the marquee.



  • Arrive at least 30 minutes before your performance time slot

  • Check in at the stage with the Stage Manager and find out how we are doing in the schedule.

  • No sound check time is available beyond the 5-10 minutes of transition between acts. Microphones will be cleaned between acts with alcohol wipe.

  • Recorded music cannot be played using Bluetooth. Music can be played from any device that has a 1/8th in. jack, or from an iPhone or iPad. 

  • Music files can also be forwarded to if the file is not too big and we can upload it to our music players prior in advance. 

  • NO FLASH/THUMB DRIVES allowed. This can cause the sound system to crash.

  • Sound equipment includes vocal mics and mics for most instruments, as appropriate.

  • The maximum time between acts is 5-10 minutes. Please set up and tear down quickly and get off stage for the next group of performers.



  • Load-in for the Plaza Stage is from Veirs Mill Rd at the intersection with Grandview Ave. Vehicle access is not available until after 9am. If you have too much to carry from your parking spot and need to drop off equipment before parking, the barricade can be moved to allow you to enter and drop off your equipment near the Grandview stage. After unloading, move the vehicle to a parking spot. Do not leave your equipment unattended.


  • Please be aware that there will be some dance performances on the Plaza in front of the stage during some set-up and strike periods. If this applies to you, please be respectful of your fellow performers as you set up or strike your equipment from the stage. 



  • Load-in for the Grandview Stage is from Veirs Mill Rd at the intersection with Grandview Ave. Vehicle access is not available until after 9am. If you have too much to carry from your parking spot and need to drop off equipment before parking, the barricade can be moved to allow you to enter and drop off your equipment near the Grandview stage. After unloading, move the vehicle to a parking spot. Do not leave your equipment unattended. 



  • Load in for the Coffee House is from Grandview Ave from University Blvd or Ennalls Ave. You may drop off your equipment next to the stage and then enter the underground garage or you can turn around and exit up Grandview. Grandview will be closed from 9:00am-12:00pm. Do not leave your equipment unattended.


AFTER YOUR PERFORMANCE & EXITING THE FESTIVAL AREA: If you need a vehicle to transport your instruments or equipment, it can pull behind the Grandview Stage entering from Veirs Mill Rd. The police or “Red Shirt” will have to move a drum barricade to let you in. Cars also may drive up behind the Coffee House on Grandview Ave for a quick pick-up. If you are parked near the festival, you may want to walk your equipment to your car. We hope you will hang around and enjoy the rest of the day.

Performance Times

These are exact times. The program and stage marquee times are rounded off for the public. Performers should follow these exact times.
Start Time
A. Ryze & Raign
Coffeehouse Stage
3:32: PM
A.S.K. Martial Arts
Coffeehouse Stage
12:00: PM
Akhmedova Ballet Academy
Grandview Stage
12:33: PM
Albert Einstein High School - VAPA & Friends
Grandview Stage
12:00: PM
Batalá Washington
Plaza Stage
12:50 PM
Bethesda Dance Center
Plaza Stage
12:37 PM
Bethesda Little Theatre
Coffeehouse Stage
1:16: PM
Culkin School of Traditional Irish Dance
Plaza Stage
3:28 PM
Elements Dance Company
Grandview Stage
3:05: PM
Plaza Stage
3:00 PM
Grupo de danza folclórica Flor de Cafe
Grandview Stage
3:59: PM
Imagination Stage Dance Theatre
Grandview Stage
12:56: PM
Grandview Stage
1:09: PM
Jelly Roll Mortals
Coffeehouse Stage
1:36: PM
Ming's Chinese Dance Group (Beijing Opera Dance)
Plaza Stage
2:44 PM
Mr. Lilo
Plaza Stage
1:18 PM
Munit Mesfin & z Lovebugs
Grandview Stage
1:46: PM
O'McPub Band
Coffeehouse Stage
4:10: PM
Sky's the Limit Dance Company
Grandview Stage
3:32: PM
Spencer J
Coffeehouse Stage
2:26: PM
TAI-The New Bouffon Co.
Coffeehouse Stage
3:04: PM
Taisha Estrada
Plaza Stage
2:06 PM
Talent Group For Children
Grandview Stage
2:33: PM
The Easy Way Band
Grandview Stage
4:26: PM
The Steven Gellman Trio
Coffeehouse Stage
12:28: PM
Tinkus Kay'Sur USA
Plaza Stage
5:00 PM
Urban Artistry
Plaza Stage
4:16 PM
Wheaton Studio of Dance
Plaza Stage
12:00 PM
Performers Load-in Routes.png
Festival Map 10-2 Tent assignments.png
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El Desfile de las Artes de Wheaton se financia en parte con fondos del Gobierno del Condado de Montgomery, el Consejo de Artes y Humanidades del Condado de Montgomery y el Consejo de las Artes del Estado de Maryland.

© 2020 Desfile de las Artes de Wheaton. Creado con

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